Configuring Pushdown Optimization by Using Google BigQuery ODBC Driver

Configuring Pushdown Optimization by Using Google BigQuery ODBC Driver

Configuring a Google BigQuery ODBC connection on Windows

Configuring a Google BigQuery ODBC connection on Windows

To establish an ODBC connection to connect to Google BigQuery on Windows, you must download the 64-bit Google BigQuery ODBC driver on the machine where Secure Agent runs.
For more information about installing the Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery on Windows, see the
Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery Install and Configuration Guide
located in the following directory:
<SimbaODBCDriverforGoogleBigQuery64_2.1.20.1025 installation directory>\Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery
Perform the following steps to configure an ODBC connection on Windows:
  1. Click
    Control Panel
  2. Click
    Administrative Tools
  3. Click
    Data Sources (ODBC)
    ODBC Data Source Administrator
    dialog box appears.
  4. Click the
    System DSN
    System DSN
    tab appears.
    The following image shows the System DSN tab on the ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit) dialog box:
    The image shows the System DSN on the ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit) dialog box.
  5. Click
    Create New Data Source
    dialog appears.
    The following image shows the Create New Data Source dialog where you can select the Google BigQuery data source:
    The following image shows the Simba ODBC driver for Google BigQuery available for your operating system
  6. Select the
    Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery
    to set up the data source.
  7. Click
    Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery DSN Setup
    dialog box appears.
    The following image shows the connection properties in the
    Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery DSN Setup
    dialog box: The following image shows the connection configuration properties in the Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery DSN Setup dialog box
  8. Specify the following connection properties:
    Data Source Name
    Enter a name for the data source. The ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery uses the DSN to connect to the Google BigQuery.
    Enter a description.
    OAuth Mechanism
    The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used to authenticate the driver. Select the
    Service Authentication
    option to authenticate the driver through a Google service account.
    If you select the
    User Authentication
    option, you will need to sign in to your Google service account. Click on
    Sign In
    and in the browser that opens, enter your credentials and then click
    Sign In
    . Click
    to allow the Google BigQuery Client Tools to access Google BigQuery objects.
    Confirmation Code
    Code that Google provides when you click
    . Copy and paste the code in the
    Confirmation Code
    Refresh Token
    The OAuth Mechanism populates the
    Refresh Token
    field when you paste the confirmation code.
    Specify the Google service account email ID. This field is needed to authenticate the service account.
    Key File Path
    Enter the path to the .p12 or JSON key file that is used to authenticate the Google service account.
    Request Google Drive scope access
    Allows the driver to access Google Drive so that the driver can support federated tables that combine Google BigQuery data with data from Google Drive.
    Trusted Certificates
    Path of the
    file. Use the trusted CA certificates from a specific
    file or use the trusted CA certificates
    file that is installed with the driver.
    If you specify the Trusted Certificates .pem file path, you do not need to select the
    Use System Trust Store
    Use System Trust Store
    If you select the
    Use System Trust Store
    option, you do not need to specify the Trusted Certificates
    file path.
    Catalog (Project)
    Name of the Google BigQuery project associated with your billing account that the Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery queries against.
  9. Click
    Proxy Options
    to configure the connection to a data source through a proxy server.
  10. Click
    Advanced Options
    to configure the Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery advanced properties. To perform pushdown optimization, select
    Standard SQL
    from the
    Language Dialect
    option in the
    Advanced Options
    dialog box.
  11. To enable logging, click
    Logging Options
  12. Click
    to verify the connection to Google BigQuery.
  13. Click
    to close the
    Simba ODBC Driver for Google BigQuery DSN Setup
    dialog box.
  14. Click
    to close the
    ODBC Data Source Administrator
    dialog box
The Google BigQuery ODBC connection is configured successfully on Windows.
After you configure the Google BigQuery ODBC connection, you must create an ODBC connection to connect to Google BigQuery. For more information about how to create an ODBC connection to connect to Google BigQuery, see Create an ODBC connection.


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