Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Taskflows and linear taskflows
  3. Taskflows
  4. Linear taskflows



Listing suspended taskflows through an API

Listing suspended taskflows through an API

You can use a JLS API to get a list of taskflows that are suspended. By default, the number of suspended taskflows that the API returns is 200.
To get a list of suspended taskflows, use the following URI:
{{<Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services URL>}}/jls-di/api/v1/Orgs(<Organization ID>)/JobLogEntries?$top=<Number of suspended taskflows>&$filter=(status eq 'SUSPENDED' and assetType eq 'TASKFLOW')
To get a list of latest suspended taskflows within an organization based on the users who started the taskflows, use the following URI :
{{<Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services URL>}}/jls-di/api/v1/Orgs(<Organization ID>)/JobLogEntries?$top=<Number of suspended taskflows>&$filter=(status eq 'SUSPENDED' and startedBy eq '<username>' and assetType eq 'TASKFLOW')


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