Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Taskflows and linear taskflows
  3. Taskflows
  4. Linear taskflows



Terminating taskflows through an API

Terminating taskflows through an API

You can terminate one or more taskflows using an API. The maximum number of taskflows that you can terminate at a time is 200.
Use the following URI to terminate one or more taskflows:
PUT <Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services URL>/active-bpel/services/tf/terminate
Enter the taskflow run IDs as the input in the body of the PUT request.
Enclose the run IDs within double quotation marks and separate multiple run IDs with a comma. For example, enter: < { "runid" : [ "7645954072982472420" , "675348537035183518"] } >.
The API displays error messages when you enter a run ID that does not exist or is not valid. The API supports basic authentication and session ID authorization.
The following image shows a sample terminate request and response:
The image shows a sample terminate request and response.


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