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Hi, Data task with Run Id { $temp.DataTask1[1]/output[1]/Run_Id } started at { $temp.DataTask1[1]/output[1]/Start_Time } and completed at { $temp.DataTask1[1]/output[1]/End_Time } with a status of { $temp.DataTask1[1]/output[1]/Task_Status }
Hi, Data task with Run Id { $temp.DataTask1[1]/fault[1]/detail[1]/errOutputDetail[1]/Run_Id } started at { $temp.DataTask1[1]/fault[1]/detail[1]/errOutputDetail[1]/Start_Time } and completed at { $temp.DataTask1[1]/fault[1]/detail[1]/errOutputDetail[1]/End_Time } with a status of { $temp.DataTask1[1]/fault[1]/detail[1]/errOutputDetail[1]/Task_Status }
util:toXML(<html> <head><h3>Taskflow Tasks Status Summary</h3></head> <body> <table> <tr> <th>Task Name</th> <th>Job Id</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Start Time</th> <th>End Time</th> </tr> { let $dataTasks := ($temp.DataTask1, $temp.DataTask2) for $dataTask in $dataTasks return <tr> <td>{ local-name($dataTask) }</td> <td>{ $dataTask[1]/output[1]/Run_Id }</td> <td>{ $dataTask[1]/output[1]/Task_Status }</td> <td>{ $dataTask[1]/output[1]/Start_Time }</td> <td>{ $dataTask[1]/output[1]/End_Time }</td> </tr> } </table> </body> </html>)
util:toXML(<html> <head><h3>Taskflow Tasks Status Summary</h3></head> <body> <table> <tr> <th>Task Name</th> <th>Job Id</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Start Time</th> <th>End Time</th> </tr> { let $dataTasks := ($temp.DataTask1, $temp.DataTask2) for $dataTask in $dataTasks return <tr> <td>{ local-name($dataTask) }</td> <td>{ $dataTask[1]/fault[1]/detail[1]/errOutputDetail[1]/Run_Id }</td> <td>{ $dataTask[1]/fault[1]/detail[1]/errOutputDetail[1]/Task_Status }</td> <td>{ $dataTask[1]/fault[1]/detail[1]/errOutputDetail[1]/Start_Time }</td> <td>{ $dataTask[1]/fault[1]/detail[1]/errOutputDetail[1]/End_Time }</td> </tr> } </table> </body> </html>)
What is the
sff:getTaskStatus() is it a informatica function?
Hi Ankita Sahoo,
We’re working to address your comments and will get back to you.
Informatica Documentation team
Hi Ankita,
We’re happy to let you know that we addressed your feedback in the documentation.
The technical team confirmed that the sff:getTaskStatus() function is not an Informatica-supported function. The sff:getTaskStatus() function has been removed and the example is updated to successfully receive the output details in an email notification.
Informatica Documentation team
The Multiple task example doesnot create a table in the notification
Hi Ankita Sahoo,
We’re working to address your comments and will get back to you.
Informatica Documentation team
Hi Ankita,
We’re happy to let you know that we addressed your feedback in the documentation.
The Multiple data tasks example has been updated to successfully receive the output details in an email notification.
Informatica Documentation team