Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Taskflows and linear taskflows
  3. Taskflows
  4. Linear taskflows



Downloading a taskflow log file using the log resource

Downloading a taskflow log file using the log resource

After you publish a taskflow as a service, you can run the taskflow and download the log file for the taskflow log file using the log resource.
You can use one of the following ways to invoke the request through a REST client such as Postman:
  • Use basic authentication, and enter the user name and password.
  • Use the session ID in the HTTP header to invoke the taskflow without providing the user name and password.
For example, you can authenticate the GET request in one of the following ways:
  • Use basic authorization and specify the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user name and password.
    For example:
    GET<Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services URL>/active-bpel/services/tf/log/<run ID> Accept: application/octet-stream Authorization : Basic Auth username: <Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services username> password: <<Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services password>
  • Use the IDS-SESSION-ID in the HTTP header.
    For example:
    GET<Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services URL>/active-bpel/services/tf/log/<run ID> Accept: application/octet-stream IDS-SESSION-ID : <sessionId>
    To get the SESSION-ID, use the Platform REST API version 3 login resource. For more information about the login resource, see
    REST API Reference

GET request

To download a log file for the taskflow, use the following URI:
GET<Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services URL>/active-bpel/services/tf/log/<run ID>
For example:


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