Taskflow instances and logs follow the retention and purge policy set by Informatica.
If automated database maintenance is enabled, the default retention days set for all taskflows are applied.
By default, if a taskflow instance runs for more than 14 days, Data Integration suspends the taskflow instance. After 14 days of the taskflow suspension, Data Integration terminates the taskflow instance. After 7 days of the taskflow termination, Data Integration deletes the taskflow instance.
For completed and faulted taskflows, you can see the taskflow instances and get their logs for a maximum of 4 days. The taskflow logs are automatically deleted after the retention period expires.
You might see taskflow instances on the Monitor page older than 4 days, but if the taskflow completion is greater than 7 days, the taskflow logs will not be available.
The retention and purge information in this topic might change without prior notice.