Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installing Informatica MDM - Relate 360
  3. Configuring Relate 360
  4. Configuring Security
  5. Setting Up the Environment to Process Streaming Data
  6. Configuring Distributed Search
  7. Packaging and Deploying the RESTful Web Services
  8. Troubleshooting

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Column Rules

Column Rules

A column rule analyzes a column in the cluster and selects the column values that match the rule. If the rule returns more than one column value, the consolidation process uses the user-defined default rules to get a single preferred column value. If you do not define the default rules, the consolidation process uses the system-defined default rules. If the default rules return more than one preferred column value, the consolidation process skips the cluster.
The preferred column value replaces the corresponding column value in the preferred record that the row rules return. You can configure a column rule for a single column or a group of columns with a name and the rule type.
You can use the following column rules:
  • RANK
The following sample uses the column rules:
<ColumnRules> <ColumnGroup name="COL_GROUP1" rule="MOST_DATA"> <ColumnRule columnName="NAME" /> <ColumnRule columnName="CITY" /> </ColumnGroup> <ColumnRule name="OTHERMAX_RULE1" rule="MAX_OTHER_COLUMN" columnName="OTHERCOLM"> <ReferenceColumn columnName="AMOUNT" /> </ColumnRule> <ColumnRule name="OTHERMIN_RULE1" rule="MIN_OTHER_COLUMN" columnName="OTHERCOLMIN"> <ReferenceColumn columnName="AGE" /> </ColumnRule> <ColumnRule name="OTHEREQ_RULE1" rule="EQUALS_OTHER_COLUMN" columnName="OTHERCOLEQ"> <ReferenceColumn columnName="ADDRESS">BANGALORE</ReferenceColumn> </ColumnRule> <ColumnRule name="AMOUNT_RULE1" rule="MIN_COLUMN" columnName="AMOUNT" /> <ColumnRule name="SOURCE_RULE" rule="FROM_MASTER" columnName="LMT_SOURCE_NAME" /> <ColumnRule name="CITY_RULE" rule="RANK" columnName="CITY"> <Value columnValue="TORONTO" weight="10" /> <Value columnValue="BANGALORE" weight="90" /> </ColumnRule> <ColumnRule name="AGE_RULE" rule="MOST_DATA" columnName="AGE" /> <ColumnRule name="AGE_RULE1" rule="MAX_COLUMN" columnName="AGE" /> <ColumnRule name="NAME_RULE" rule="MODAL_EXACT" columnName="NAME" /> </ColumnRules>


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