Table of Contents


  1. Introduction
  2. Configuring Hub Console Tools
  3. Building the Data Model
  4. Configuring the Data Flow
  5. Executing Informatica MDM Hub Processes
  6. Configuring Application Access
  7. MDM Hub Properties
  8. Viewing Configuration Details
  9. Search with Solr
  10. Row-level Locking
  11. MDM Hub Logging
  12. Table Partitioning
  13. Collecting MDM Environment Information with the Product Usage Toolkit
  14. Glossary

Setting the Scope of the Generate Match Tokens Job

Setting the Scope of the Generate Match Tokens Job

Before you run a Generate Match Tokens job, decide if you want to generate tokens for all records or only for the new and changed records that have their ROWID_OBJECT values in the dirty table.
  • To generate match tokens for all records in the base object, select the
    Re-generate All Match Tokens
    check box.
  • To generate match tokens for new or updated records in the base object, clear the
    Re-generate All Match Tokens
    check box.
After the match tokens are generated, you can run the Match job for the base object.
If the Generate Match Tokens process returns an error that says that the class
cannot be initialized, contact your system administrator.
  1. Verify that the PATH environment variable includes the path to the following directory, which contains the dynamic linked library (DLL) files for SSA-NAME3:
    <MDM installation directory>/hub/cleanse/lib
  2. Verify that Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 is installed on the Process Server that performs search and match for the MDM Hub.
  3. If Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 is installed, use a dependency checker, such as Dependency Walker (depends.exe), to load
    and confirm that the Visual C++ Redistributable was successfully applied.
    Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 requires that Windows Server has operating system patches installed. Check the operating system requirements before installing Visual C++ Redistributable. For example, from a baseline version of Windows Server 2012, you must apply around 100 patches (totalling approximately 2 GB) to the operating system before you can successfully install Visual C++ Redistributable.


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