- Multidomain MDM 10.5 HotFix 3
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Upgrade Task
| Details
Update the Application Server Settings in the Properties Files
| If you upgrade the application server, you must manually update the application server settings in the properties files.
In the
build.properties file located in
< , update the following settings:
MDM Hub installation directory >\hub\server\bin
In the
setSiperianEnv.bat file located in
< , update the following settings:
MDM Hub installation directory >\hub\server
In the
cmxserver.properties file located in
< , update the following settings:
MDM Hub installation directory >\hub\server\resources
If you have changed any other application server configuration settings, such as port numbers, you must also update the settings in
cmxserver.properties .
Valid values should be specified here. "Update the following settings" is far too vague. For example, should the "cmx.appserver.version" be 7? or 7.4? or 7.4.13?
Hi Cole Williams,
You can find information about all the Hub Server properties (cmxserver.properties) in the following page:
As per the page, the value can be 5 or 7.
Informatica Documentation Team