Relate 360
- Relate 360 10.1
- All Products --config=configuration_file_name --installbin=install_bin_directory --coprocessor --id=identifier_for_the_JAR_file [--rule=matching_rules_file_name]
| Argument
| Description
| configuration_file_name
| Absolute path and file name of the configuration file that you create.
| install_bin_directory
| Absolute path to the
bin directory of the
Relate 360 installation.
| identifier_for_the_JAR_file
| Unique identifier for the coprocessor JAR file.
The name format of the generated JAR file is
db-hbase-coprocessor<id> . For example, if
id=Deploy , the generated JAR file name is
db-hbase-coprocessorDeploy.jar .
Ensure that you use the same identifier that you used in the
CoprocessorPath parameter of the configuration file.
| matching_rules_file_name
| Optional. Absolute path and file name of the matching rules file that you create.
| Indicates that the script generates the coprocessor JAR file.
hadoop fs -put -f db-hbase-coprocessorDeploy.jar /user/cloudera/