Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Supplier 360
  3. Supplier 360 Installation Overview
  4. Before You Install
  5. Installing the Supplier 360 Components
  6. After You Install
  7. Business Processes for Supplier Management
  8. Customizing Supplier 360
  9. Troubleshooting
  10. Upgrading MDM - Supplier 360

Edit Email Templates for Informatica Product 360

Edit Email Templates for Informatica Product 360

The Application ships with modified email templates for Informatica Product 360. In each HTML file, edit the placeholder text to reflect details about your organization, such as the name and the contact information. Avoid editing parameters, which start with the $ character. When you are finished, copy the templates to the Informatica Product 360
The file names of the edited templates must match the file names of the original Informatica Product 360 email templates.
  1. Navigate to the following directory:
    <MDM installation directory>/app/tsr
  2. Open an HTML file in an editor.
  3. Search for an opening square bracket ([). Replace the square brackets and the enclosed text with the requested information.
  4. Repeat the previous step until you replace all placeholder text.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Repeat for all other HTML files in this directory.
  7. Copy the HTML files to the following directory:
    <PIM installation directory>
  8. If prompted to overwrite files, select


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