Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Portal Configuration Tool
  3. Getting Started with the Supplier Portal
  4. Creating a Portal
  5. Adding Pages to Portal
  6. Managing a Portal
  7. Localizing a Portal

Portal Configuration Tool Guide

Portal Configuration Tool Guide

Configuring the Log In Page Settings for the Portal

Configuring the Log In Page Settings for the Portal

You can configure the business entity fields that store the user details. You can configure title and background image for the log in page. You can also configure the email templates to use when a user resets the password.
  1. On the
    Log In
    page, configure the following page details:
    Background Image
    URL of an image that you want to use as the background image for the log in page.
    Title to display in the log in page.
  2. Specify the business entity fields that store the following user details:
    Email Address
    Name of the business entity field that stores the email addresses. For example, Contacts.contacts.ContactElectronicAddress.etrncAddr.
    User Name
    Name of the business entity field that stores the user names. For example, Contacts.contacts.prtlUsrNm.
    User Role
    Name of the business entity field stores the user roles. For example, Contacts.contacts.prtlUsrRle.roleCode.
    Portal State Details
    Name of the business entity field that stores the portal state values. For example, Status.prtyStsVal.partyStatusValue.
  3. To configure the email templates to use when users reset their password, configure the following details:
    Reset Password
    Name of the email template to use when users request to reset their passwords. For example, resetPassword.
    You can find the email templates in the following directory:
    <MDM Installation Directory>/app/portal/email-config/templates_others/avos-templates
    Successful Reset of Password
    Name of the email template to use after a password is reset successfully.
  4. Click
    User Creation
    page appears.


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