Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Overview, Downloading, and Installing
  3. Administration API
  4. Identity Service API
  5. Screenflow Programming and SDK
  6. ActiveVOS WSHT API
  7. Embedding Request Forms in Standalone Web Pages
  8. XML-JSON for Process Central

APIs, SDKs, and Services

APIs, SDKs, and Services

Configuring a GetMyTasks Filter with a whereClause

Configuring a GetMyTasks Filter with a whereClause

For an overview of this topic, see
Configuring Task Role Filters
elsewhere in this help.
In the
Task Role Filters
section of the
file, you can add a filter to apply to the tasks in one of the Show drop-down entries. For example, you can create a filter for Unclaimed Tasks to show only Priority zero (highest priority).
To filter the task list for the Show filter:
Modify the default configuration in the
section of the
The following code snippet shows the default configuration:
<avccom:filter> <tsst:getTasks xmlns:tsst=" 2007/10/aeb4p-task-state-wsdl.xsd"> <htdt:getMyTasks xmlns:htdt=""> <htdt:taskType>TASKS</htdt:taskType> <htdt:genericHumanRole>POTENTIAL_OWNERS</htdt:genericHumanRole> <htdt:status>READY</htdt:status> <htdt:whereClause>Task.Name = 'ApproveLoan'</htdt:whereClause> <htdt:maxTasks>20</htdt:maxTasks> </htdt:getMyTasks> <tsst:taskIndexOffset>0</tsst:taskIndexOffset> </tsst:getTasks> </avccom:filter>
Filtering a task list by parameter via WS-HT
You can use the following operators in the
  • &gt;
  • &gt;=
  • &lt;
  • &lt;=
  • =
  • like
  • and
  • or
  • ()
For a complete list of task column names, task types, generic human roles and other WS-HT specifications, you can work with the SDK. To get started, see
What is the Process Server WS-HumanTask API?
elsewhere in this help.
The following examples show various
syntax. Note that the Booleans
are case-sensitive.
Example 1
The following example shows a sample
using a standard WS-HT task property name. For a list of standard WS-HT names, see
WS-HT Task Property List
elsewhere in this help.
<htdt:whereClause>Task.Name = 'ApproveLoan'</htdt:whereClause>
Example 2
This example combines filter properties.
Task.Priority &lt; 3 and Task.Owner = 'loanrep1'
Example 3
This example also combines filter properties.
Task.PaProcessId = 10 and(Task.Escalated = true or Task.Priority = 0)
Example 4
The following example shows using presentation parameters (that is, custom task properties).
Task.Name = 'LoanApproval' and loanAmount &gt; 10000 and zipCode = '06484'
For details, see
Creating Custom Task Properties
elsewhere in this help.


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