Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Overview, Downloading, and Installing
  3. Administration API
  4. Identity Service API
  5. Screenflow Programming and SDK
  6. ActiveVOS WSHT API
  7. Embedding Request Forms in Standalone Web Pages
  8. XML-JSON for Process Central

APIs, SDKs, and Services

APIs, SDKs, and Services

Invoking a Process with jQuery

Invoking a Process with jQuery

The following example shows how to invoke a process using AJAX with jQuery. The scripts used for the request require jQuery 1.3.2+
) and
). The
script is used to convert a JSON object to a string.
var loanRequestJSON = {"loanProcessRequest": {"xmlns":"http:\/\/\/sample\/LoanRequest\/2008\/02\/loanRequest.xsd", "loanType":{"$t":"Automobile"}, "firstName":{"$t":"John"}, "lastName":{"$t":"Smith"}, "dayPhone":{"$t":"2039299400"}, "nightPhone":{"$t":"2035551212"}, "socialSecurityNumber":{"$t":"123-45-6789"}, "amountRequested":{"$t":"15000"}, "loanDescription":{"$t":"Application to finance the purchase of a Toyota Prius"}, "otherInfo":{"$t":"Down payment is US$7500"}, "responseEmail":{"$t":"
"} } }; // convert JSON to string using function in json2.js script var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(loanRequestJSON); // Send jQuery AJAX POST to http://localhost:8080/active-bpel/services/JSON/humantaskProcessDemoService $.ajax( { url : "http://localhost:8080/active-bpel/services/JSON/humantaskProcessDemoService", type : "POST", contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8", data : jsonStr, // JSON payload dataType : "json", // expected return data type cache : false, success : function(aJsonResponse, aTextStatus) { // callback function on success alert("status=" + aJsonResponse.status.$t); }, error : function(aXmlHttpReq, aTextStatus, aErrorThrown) { // callback function when an error occurs - including faults. // code that checks for response status code and data // to determine the type of error and fault. // var resp_contentType = aXmlHttpReq.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); // var http_statusCode = aXmlHttpReq.status; // var http_statusMsg = aTextStatus; } });
Javascript object in the
script included with the SDK provides has a helper function
postJSON(url, jsonRequest, successCallbackFn, faultCallbackFn, errorCallbackFn)
to POST JSON data.
var loanRequestJSON = {"loanProcessRequest": {"xmlns":"http:\/\/\/sample\/LoanRequest\/2008\/02\/loanRequest.xsd", "loanType":{"$t":"Automobile"}, "firstName":{"$t":"John"}, "lastName":{"$t":"Smith"}, "dayPhone":{"$t":"2039299400"}, "nightPhone":{"$t":"2035551212"}, "socialSecurityNumber":{"$t":"123-45-6789"}, "amountRequested":{"$t":"15000"}, "loanDescription":{"$t":"Application to finance the purchase of a Toyota Prius"}, "otherInfo":{"$t":"Down payment is US$7500"}, "responseEmail":{"$t":""} } }; AE_AJAX_SERVICE_UTIL.postJSON( // service url "http://localhost:8080/active-bpel/services/JSON/humantaskProcessDemoService", // JSON request object (not string) loanRequestJSON, // success callback of JSON data function(aJsonResponse) { alert("status=" + aJsonResponse.status.$t); }, // fault callback of JSON data function(aJsonFault) { // handle fault }, // http error callback function(aStatusCode, aStatusMessage) { // handle transport error } );
Here is another example that uses the WS-HumanTask (WSHT) API
operation via JSON. This example fetches tasks using the API and populates a HTML table with the results.
<! -- html snippet --> <table cellpadding="2" border="1"> <thead> <tr><th colspan="5">Get My Tasks Response (from JSON):</th></tr> <tr><th>Task ID</th> <th>Status</th><th>Owner</th> <th>PresentationName</th><th>PresentationSubject</th></tr> </thead> <! -- the table body will be populated using JavaScript --> <tbody id="taskList"> </tbody> </table>
// getMyTasks reqests var getMyTasksRequest = { "getMyTasks" : { "xmlns" : "", "taskType" : { "$t" : "TASKS" }, "genericHumanRole" : { "$t" : "POTENTIAL_OWNERS" }, "status" : { "$t" : "READY" }, "maxTasks" : { "$t" : "10" } } }; // send JSON AE_AJAX_SERVICE_UTIL.postJSON( // task-client service url "
", // req. getMyTasksRequest, // success callback of JSON data function(aJsonResponse) { // display results in a table populateTaskList(aJsonResponse); }, // fault callback of JSON data function(aJsonFault) { alert("Fault!"); }, // http error callback function(aStatusCode, aStatusMessage) { alert("Transport error: " + aStatusCode + " " + aStatusMessage); } ); // // This function takes a getMyTasksResponse element (in JSON) and populates // the tasks in an HTML table. // function populateTaskList(aJsonResponse) { // Note: aJsonResponse contains getMyTasksResponse object) // clear current contents by removing all children of the table (table rows) $("#taskList").empty(); // check to make sure response exists. if (!aJsonResponse.getMyTasksResponse) { alert("Response 'getMyTasksResponse' expected."); return; } // get list of task abstracts (//htdt:getMyTasksResponse/htdt:taskAbstract) var taskAbstracts = AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getElements (aJsonResponse.getMyTasksResponse.taskAbstract); var i; // for each taskAbstract, build the html row and append to table tbody. for (i = 0; i < taskAbstracts.length; i++) { var html = "<tr>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].id, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].status, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].actualOwner, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].presentationName, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].presentationSubject, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; // append to table $("#taskList").append(html); }; }


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