Informatica ActiveVOS
- Informatica ActiveVOS 9.2.6
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var loanRequestJSON = {"loanProcessRequest": {"xmlns":"http:\/\/\/sample\/LoanRequest\/2008\/02\/loanRequest.xsd", "loanType":{"$t":"Automobile"}, "firstName":{"$t":"John"}, "lastName":{"$t":"Smith"}, "dayPhone":{"$t":"2039299400"}, "nightPhone":{"$t":"2035551212"}, "socialSecurityNumber":{"$t":"123-45-6789"}, "amountRequested":{"$t":"15000"}, "loanDescription":{"$t":"Application to finance the purchase of a Toyota Prius"}, "otherInfo":{"$t":"Down payment is US$7500"}, "responseEmail":{"$t":""} } }; // convert JSON to string using function in json2.js script var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(loanRequestJSON); // Send jQuery AJAX POST to http://localhost:8080/active-bpel/services/JSON/humantaskProcessDemoService $.ajax( { url : "http://localhost:8080/active-bpel/services/JSON/humantaskProcessDemoService", type : "POST", contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8", data : jsonStr, // JSON payload dataType : "json", // expected return data type cache : false, success : function(aJsonResponse, aTextStatus) { // callback function on success alert("status=" + aJsonResponse.status.$t); }, error : function(aXmlHttpReq, aTextStatus, aErrorThrown) { // callback function when an error occurs - including faults. // code that checks for response status code and data // to determine the type of error and fault. // var resp_contentType = aXmlHttpReq.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); // var http_statusCode = aXmlHttpReq.status; // var http_statusMsg = aTextStatus; } });
var loanRequestJSON = {"loanProcessRequest": {"xmlns":"http:\/\/\/sample\/LoanRequest\/2008\/02\/loanRequest.xsd", "loanType":{"$t":"Automobile"}, "firstName":{"$t":"John"}, "lastName":{"$t":"Smith"}, "dayPhone":{"$t":"2039299400"}, "nightPhone":{"$t":"2035551212"}, "socialSecurityNumber":{"$t":"123-45-6789"}, "amountRequested":{"$t":"15000"}, "loanDescription":{"$t":"Application to finance the purchase of a Toyota Prius"}, "otherInfo":{"$t":"Down payment is US$7500"}, "responseEmail":{"$t":""} } }; AE_AJAX_SERVICE_UTIL.postJSON( // service url "http://localhost:8080/active-bpel/services/JSON/humantaskProcessDemoService", // JSON request object (not string) loanRequestJSON, // success callback of JSON data function(aJsonResponse) { alert("status=" + aJsonResponse.status.$t); }, // fault callback of JSON data function(aJsonFault) { // handle fault }, // http error callback function(aStatusCode, aStatusMessage) { // handle transport error } );
<! -- html snippet --> <table cellpadding="2" border="1"> <thead> <tr><th colspan="5">Get My Tasks Response (from JSON):</th></tr> <tr><th>Task ID</th> <th>Status</th><th>Owner</th> <th>PresentationName</th><th>PresentationSubject</th></tr> </thead> <! -- the table body will be populated using JavaScript --> <tbody id="taskList"> </tbody> </table>
// getMyTasks reqests var getMyTasksRequest = { "getMyTasks" : { "xmlns" : "", "taskType" : { "$t" : "TASKS" }, "genericHumanRole" : { "$t" : "POTENTIAL_OWNERS" }, "status" : { "$t" : "READY" }, "maxTasks" : { "$t" : "10" } } }; // send JSON AE_AJAX_SERVICE_UTIL.postJSON( // task-client service url "http://localhost:8080/active-bpel/services/JSON/AeB4PTaskClient-taskOperations", // req. getMyTasksRequest, // success callback of JSON data function(aJsonResponse) { // display results in a table populateTaskList(aJsonResponse); }, // fault callback of JSON data function(aJsonFault) { alert("Fault!"); }, // http error callback function(aStatusCode, aStatusMessage) { alert("Transport error: " + aStatusCode + " " + aStatusMessage); } ); // // This function takes a getMyTasksResponse element (in JSON) and populates // the tasks in an HTML table. // function populateTaskList(aJsonResponse) { // Note: aJsonResponse contains getMyTasksResponse object) // clear current contents by removing all children of the table (table rows) $("#taskList").empty(); // check to make sure response exists. if (!aJsonResponse.getMyTasksResponse) { alert("Response 'getMyTasksResponse' expected."); return; } // get list of task abstracts (//htdt:getMyTasksResponse/htdt:taskAbstract) var taskAbstracts = AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getElements (aJsonResponse.getMyTasksResponse.taskAbstract); var i; // for each taskAbstract, build the html row and append to table tbody. for (i = 0; i < taskAbstracts.length; i++) { var html = "<tr>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].id, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].status, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].actualOwner, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].presentationName, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + AE_JSON_NODE_UTIL.getText(taskAbstracts[i].presentationSubject, "n/a") + "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; // append to table $("#taskList").append(html); }; }