Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Process Central
  3. Guides Overview
  4. Process Designer Tutorial
  5. For Administrators

Central and ActiveVOS Screenflow

Central and ActiveVOS Screenflow

Claiming and Performing Other Actions for a Task

Claiming and Performing Other Actions for a Task

A task goes through stages as different actions occur. Here is a list of actions you can take before completing a task, and what happens when you do:
  • Claim
    You can claim a task to start it. When you claim a task, it is not available for other users to work on and they cannot see it. When you claim a task, all of the task work options are enabled, as described in Working with a Task, Attachments, and Comments.
    If you are the only person that a task is sent to, the task is automatically marked Claimed, and you can begin working on it.
  • Assign
  • Release
    If you claim a task, you can release it, meaning you will not finish working on it. The task returns to unclaimed status and any user in the group can claim it. The task reappears in other users' task list when they refresh their view.
  • Set Priority
    You can change the priority of a task after you claim it. The highest priority is zero. You can assign any non-negative number (0, 1, 2, and so forth) to lower or raise the priority. The Set Priority feature is in the Additional Information section at the bottom of a task in the Detail tab. Select the link on Priority to open the
    Set Task Priority
    dialog. Add a number, zero or higher, and click
  • Complete
  • Skip
    Skip the task, meaning it will not be completed. If the task's definition does not have an
    Is Skippable
    value, this option is not available.


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