Configure the properties of an aggregator when you add it to the data flow.
You can configure the following properties for an aggregator:
Entity Name
Name of the aggregator. Maximum length is 32 characters.
Description of the aggregator. Maximum length is 256 characters.
Maximum Events to be Queued
Maximum number of events that the aggregator stores in an in-memory queue until the events are consumed by the target. When the queue is full, the aggregator blocks data and does not read from the source until the queue is free. You can specify a minimum value of 1000 and a maximum value of 1000000. Default is 100000.
You can choose to view the following statistics for an aggregator:
Bytes Received. The number of bytes of data received by the aggregator.
Events Received. The number of events received by the aggregator.
Receive Rate (Per Sec). The number of events received per second.
Bytes Sent. The number of bytes of data sent by the aggregator.
Events Sent. The number of events sent by the aggregator.
Send Rate (Per Sec). The number of events sent per second.
Events Reassigned. The number of events that the source service resends to the aggregator with a reassigned flag. The source service sets the reassigned flag if it does not receive acknowledgment from the aggregator. The statistic displays meaningful values when you select the load balancing messaging mode in the Ultra Messaging data connection or the acknowledgment mode in the WebSocket data connection while configuring data flows.
Events to be Processed. Maximum number of messages that can be stored in the internal queue of the aggregator.