To add a Cassandra target service, use the Cassandra target service type.
You can configure the following properties for the Cassandra target service type:
Entity Name
Name of the Cassandra target service. Maximum length is 32 characters.
Description of the target service. Maximum length is 256 characters.
Contact Point(s)
URI of the Cassandra database. Use the following URI format:
is a comma-separated list of the names or IP addresses of the hosts in the Cassandra cluster. In non-production environments, you might have only one host name or IP address.
is the port number on which the Cassandra database listens for connections.
Optional. You can omit the port number, if the Cassandra database listens for connections on the default port number. Default is 9042.
Keyspace to use when writing to the database.
Table Name
Table name to use when writing to the database.
User Name
The user name of the Cassandra database.
Optional. The password of the user account that you use to connect to the Cassandra keyspace.
Select a secure parameter if you have already created it. To specify a key and value, click
Click to add secure parameters
If you want to specify an empty password, do not enter any value for
The statistics that you collect and monitor for the Cassandra target. You can select the following statistics:
Bytes Received. The number of bytes the target service receives.
Events Received. The number of events the target service receives.
Receive Rate (Per Sec). The number of bytes the target service receives every second.
Events Reassigned. The number messages that the source service resends to the target service when it has not received acknowledgment from the target service.
Events with Invalid JSON Objects. The number of events that contain JSON fields that do not match the data type of the columns in the Cassandra database.
Events with Excess JSON Fields. The number of events that contain JSON fields that do not have a corresponding column in the Cassandra database.
Events Written. The number of events written to the Cassandra database.
Events Not Written. The number of events that were not written to the Cassandra database.