- RulePoint 6.1.2
- All Products
The following table describes therpcmd importAll <-URL|-u> url <-UserName|-un> user_name <-Password|-pd> password <-ProjectName|-pn> project_name <-FileName|-fn> file_name [<-ImportMode|-im> import_mode]
| Argument
| Description
| url
| URL of RulePoint design server instance to connect to run the command.
| user_name
| User name to connect to RulePoint Server.
| password
| Password of the user name to connect to the RulePoint Server.
| project_name
| Name of RulePoint project where you want to import the objects.
| file_name
| The XML filename that you have uploaded to the RulePoint server. The file contains the objects that you want to import.
| import_mode
| The mode that you can specify for importing objects, so that the objects can either fail, skip, or update existing objects in the project.
> ./ importall -u http://localhost:8080/rulepoint -un Administrator -pd Administrator1 -pn "Default Project" -fn Banking_Sample.xml -im UPDATE