Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Version 5.11.0
  3. Version 5.10.0
  4. Version 5.9.0
  5. Version 5.8.x
  6. Version 5.7.0
  7. Version 5.6.0
  8. Version 5.5.0
  9. Version 5.4.x
  10. Version 5.3.x
  11. Version 5.2.x

Release Guide (On-Premises)

Release Guide (On-Premises)

Extended Element Result Status

Extended Element Result Status

Effective in version 5.3.0. Informatica AddressDoctor introduces the extended element result status (EERS) code, a twenty-character output string that is similar to the element result status field.
Informatica AddressDoctor populates the EERS value for valid or corrected addresses. The code indicates that additional information may be available in the reference database for the given address.


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