Installation and Getting Started Guide (On-Premises)

Installation and Getting Started Guide (On-Premises)

Installing the Informatica Address Verification Java based Package

Installing the Informatica Address Verification Java based Package

To use the Java based version of Informatica Address Verification you must have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 7 set up on the device on which you install Address Verification. Address Verification versions earlier than Version 5.5.0 work with the JRE Version 6. If you want to develop your own applications, you must install the Java platform (JDK) SE 7 on the device. However, on HP-UX, you can continue to use HP SE 5 version of the JDK.
You can download the JRE package from the Sun Java website. Informatica does not officially support Versions 5.5.0 and later installations that run on JRE versions earlier than Version 7.
  1. To install the Java based package on a Windows device, copy
    to the JRE class path.
    C:\Program Files\Java\jre\lib\ext
    is saved to the system-wide class path. You can explicitly set application-specific class paths using the
    switch. You can run the following commands after unpacking the files to the present working directory:
    java -Xss2m -cp bin;lib/AddressDoctor5.jar -Djava.library.path=lib ConsoleDemoJava
  2. To install the Java based package on a Unix based system, copy
    to the JRE class path.
    For HP-UX devices, use
    instead of
    is saved to the system-wide class path. You can explicitly set application-specific class paths using the
    switch. After unpacking the files to the present working directory, run the following commands:
    java -Xss2m -cp bin:lib/AddressDoctor5.jar -Djava.library.path=lib ConsoleDemoJava
    If you have previous versions of Address Verification installed on the device on which you want to install the new version, remove the older versions from the system before you unpack the new files. If you need to retain the older versions, be sure to distinctly name the folders and ensure that the configuration files are available in appropriate locations.
  3. Set the thread stack size to a minimum of 2 MB and the heap size to 512 MB.
    For example if Address Verification is installed in the
    folder on a Linux device on which the main class is named
    , run the following commands:
    java -cp .:lib/AddressDoctor5.jar
    java -Xss2m -Xms512m -cp .:lib/AddressDoctor5.jar
    -Djava.library.path=lib MyApp
    On 32-bit operating systems, Java Virtual Machine might exhaust the heap memory that can be assigned to an application when the heap memory assigned to applications exceeds 1.5 GB.
  4. If you install Informatica Address Verification on a Unix-based device, increase the thread stack size to at least 1 MB.
    For example, on AIX devices, set the
    export AIXTHREAD_STK
    to 1000000 or on HP-UX, set the
    to 1000000.
    Similarly, set the
    ulimit -s
    to unlimited.
    On IBM J9 JVM, increase the OS stack size by running the
    java -Xmso2m


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