Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Version 5.8.x
  3. Version 5.7.0
  4. Version 5.6.0
  5. Version 5.5.0
  6. Version 5.4.x
  7. Version 5.3.x
  8. Version 5.2.x

Release Guide (On-Premises)

Release Guide (On-Premises)

Support for Java Version 7

Support for Java Version 7

Effective in version 5.5.0, Informatica AddressDoctor uses version 7 of the Java Run-Time Environment. To develop your own applications, you must install the Java Development Kit SE 7 on the development machine.
You can continue to use the HP SE 5 version of the Java Development Kit on a machine that runs the HP-UX operating system.


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