Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: On-Prem Operations
  3. Part 2: Parameter and Element Reference
  4. Appendix A: JSON Schema
  5. Appendix B: Geocode Countries
  6. Appendix C: Certified Mode Values

Developer Guide

Developer Guide

Requesting the Process

Requesting the Process

When you submit an address, use the IDVE_Post() function to trigger the verification of the address.
Append the
command to the URI of the corresponding job object string to verify the address:
IDVE_StatusCode i32StatusCode = IDVE_Post( "", "
", NULL, 0, NULL, sExtStatusMsg );
The element "0" in the URI string indicates the value of the sJobURI parameter returned during the job creation operation. The value is the UID of the job.
Address Verification uses the process command to find a function server instance and assign the job to it. The function server verifies the address and writes the result back to the job data. The method blocks the call until the result is available.
If a function server is not available, the call waits until one becomes available and then performs the verification.
The steps to create and run a job both use the Post function. Refer to Creating a Job Object for information on the structure of the IDVE_Post() function.


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