Installation and Getting Started Guide

Installation and Getting Started Guide

Reference Databases and Packages

Reference Databases and Packages

Informatica reference databases are proprietary-format database files that contain reference data for the countries and territories that Informatica supports. The reference databases are read-only and platform-independent.

Types of Reference Data

Address Verification provides the following types of reference database, which correspond to the processing modes that you can select for an address job:
  • Batch and Interactive data.
  • QuickCapture data.
  • Certified data.
  • GeocodeToAddress data.
  • Geocoding data.
  • CAMEO data.
  • Supplementary data.

Reading the Database File Names

The database file names have the following format:
For example,
Interpret the file names in the following way:
  • ISO3 denotes the three-character ISO country code. For example, DEU for Germany.
  • Function denotes the name of the product. In the file name, ADV represents Address Verification.
  • ProcessType denotes the type of process. In the file name, VRF represents Verification, ENR represents Enrichment, and RLK represents Reverse Lookup.
  • ProcessSubType denotes the process mode.
    The following list identifies the process modes:
    • BIA for Batch and Interactive mode.
    • Cxx for Certified mode.
    • QCP for QuickCapture mode.
    • ACL for AddressCodeLookup mode.
    • GTA for GeocodeToAddress mode.
    • GAP for arrival point geocoding.
    • GRT for rooftop geocoding.
    • GST for street center, locality center, and postal code center geocoding.
    • CAM for CAMEO data.
    • EN1 for supplementary data.
  • DataSetID denotes the data set ID value. The supported range is 000 through 999.
  • MinVersion denotes the oldest version of Address Verification with which you can use the file.
    MinVersion has the following format:


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