Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: On-Prem Operations
  3. Part 2: Parameter and Element Reference
  4. Appendix A: Geocode Countries
  5. Appendix B: Reverse Geocoding Coverage
  6. Appendix C: Certified Mode Values

On-Premises Developer Guide

On-Premises Developer Guide

Retrieving Optional Properties

Retrieving Optional Properties

The IDVE_IsValuePresent() function identifies any optional JSON property that has no default value in a JSON schema document. For example, if you want to know if the error log has been disabled because of an error, you can call IDVE_IsValuePresent() on the URI "
". You can use this function call to check for the presence of optional properties in a JSON document.
If you call the IDVE_IsValuePresent() function on a non-optional property, the function returns
as output.

Example: The IDVE_IsValuePresent() function

The following sample code shows the structure of the IDVE_IsValuePresent() function:
( const char* const kpksCustomerID, const char* const kpksURI, IDVE_Bool* const kbValue, char* const kpsExtStatusMsg );
The following table shows the parameter definitions for the IDVE_IsValuePresent() function:
const char* const kpksCustomerID
Pointer to the zero-terminated 7-bit ASCII-encoded customer ID. The value might not be NULL.
const char* const kpksURI
Pointer to the zero-terminated 7-bit ASCII URI, for example "
". The value might not be NULL.
IDVE_Bool* const kbValue
Pointer to a boolean value to be retrieved by the function call. If the pointer is not NULL, it indicates if the value at the given URI is present or not.
char* const kpsExtStatusMsg
Pointer to a buffer of size IDVE_EXT_STATUS_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE for an optional extended status message. The value can be NULL.


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