Installation and Getting Started Guide

Installation and Getting Started Guide

System Requirements

System Requirements

The system resources that Informatica Address Verification requires can vary according to your installation and your data requirements.
The machine on which you install Address Verification must have a minimum of 1 GB RAM for a C++ installation. Java and Microsoft .NET installations require additional memory.
Address Verification acquires memory from the operating system and does not use Java heap memory in engine memory management.
The main address verification functionality is encapsulated in one or more
function servers
. A function server is a running instance of the Informatica data verification engine.
Each function server runs as a separate process, isolating the main process from any issues related to address processing. If a function server fails, the event is reported back to the caller as an error, the function server process is terminated, and a new function server is started.
Each function server, including standby function servers, require 455 MB of RAM for processing and data structure operations. If you enable hot swapping, the total memory usage doubles for Address Verification.
For each job, you need a variable amount of memory based on your configuration settings. For more information on memory configuration for function servers, see IDVEInformation Elements in the IDVEState.schema.json file.
header file contains the functions that you use to define and run the address jobs.
Before you finalize the memory requirements, consider the size of the reference address databases that you require. The complete set of worldwide postal reference databases, including supplementary databases for address enrichments, consumes approximately 55 GB of storage space.
Preloading databases into memory significantly improves the performance of Address Verification. The machine on which you install Address Verification must have sufficient RAM to preload the databases that you require.
As the total size of the worldwide databases is approximately 55 GB, the RAM required to preload all databases and perform address processing is approximately 60 GB.
For smaller file sizes, less RAM is required. For example, the worldwide batch and interactive databases consume approximately 8 GB of space, and the geocoding databases consume an additional 4.5 GB. To preload and run the worldwide batch, interactive, and geocoding databases, the maximum amount of RAM that you require is 12 GB. The enrichment databases require 2.3 GB RAM and the quick capture databases require 33.1 GB RAM.
If fully preloading databases is not an option, use solid-state drives to store the reference address databases. Solid-state drives are faster than hard-disk drives and can significantly improve performance, especially when multithreading is used.
You set the database preloading method in the
file. For information about the database preloading, see FunctionServers Elements in IDVEConfig.json.


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