Address Verification Best Practices for India

Address Verification Best Practices for India

Choosing the Correct Input Format

Choosing the Correct Input Format

The best input format for India address validation is the hybrid or partially-fielded address format. You can input the address using the fielded address elements, such as Contact, Province, Locality, Country, and Postal Code, along with the AddressLines input format from input.xml.
For example, you can enter information such as the house or building number or name, street name, and PO Box in the DeliveryAddressLine (DAL) field. You can input the remaining address information, such as the locality and province information, contact, and organization, in the respective address fields.
The following examples show two India addresses in the partially-fielded address format:
<InputData> <AddressElements> <Country Item="1" Type="NAME">INDIA</Country> <Locality Item="1" Type="COMPLETE">Chennai</Locality> <Locality Item="2" Type="COMPLETE">Thyagaraya Nagar</Locality> <PostalCode Item="1" Type="UNFORMATTED">600017</PostalCode> <Province Item="1" Type="COUNTRY_STANDARD">Tamil Nadu</Province> <Organization Item="1" Type="COMPLETE">Bradur Ltd.</Organization> <Organization Item="1" Type="DEPARTMENT">HR Department</Organization> </AddressElements> <AddressLines> <DeliveryAddressLine Line="1">56 G N Chetty Road</DeliveryAddressLine> </AddressLines> </InputData>
<InputData> <AddressElements> <Country Item="1" Type="NAME">INDIA</Country> <Locality Item="1" Type="COMPLETE">Mumbai</Locality> <Locality Item="2" Type="COMPLETE">Worli</Locality> <PostalCode Item="1" Type="UNFORMATTED">400018</PostalCode> <Province Item="1" Type="COUNTRY_STANDARD">Maharashtra</Province> </AddressElements> <AddressLines> <DeliveryAddressLine Line="1">13 Mahindra Towers 2nd Floor</DeliveryAddressLine> <DeliveryAddressLine Line="2">Worli Road</DeliveryAddressLine> </AddressLines> </InputData>
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you format an India address for verification:
  • If you enter more than one element in a single line, add a delimiter (other than a space) between the elements. For example:
    House Number, Building name, Sub-building number, Main Street
  • Do not include locality, postal code, province, or country information in delivery address line input. For best results, enter the information in country specific locality line input or in discrete input fields.
    For example, the following delivery address line contains information that you can move to locality and province fields:
    <DeliveryAddressLine Line="1">13 Mahindra Towers 2nd Floor Worli Road
    Mumbai Maharashtra
  • If you cannot avoid adding this information to the delivery address line, add delimiters between the address elements. The delimiters can assist in validation when the process status scores are low.
    For example, the following address appears on a single delivery address line and lacks province information:
    <DeliveryAddressLine Line="1">112 Tcpalli Varikuntapadu 524227</DeliveryAddressLine>
    Address Verification returns an I3 process status score for the address in this format. If you add comma delimiters between the address elements, Address Verification adds the province Andhra Pradesh and returns a process status score of C2.


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