Big Data Release Notes

Big Data Release Notes

Supported Products

Supported Products

You can download Informatica 10.2.1 Service Pack 1 for the following products:
Big Data Management, Big Data Quality, and Big Data Streaming
Big Data Management server installations and 10.2.1 Service Pack 1 Command Line Utilities on Redhat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Informatica Developer client installation on Windows.
Big Data Quality and Big Data Streaming users can download and install the 10.2.1 Service Pack 1.
Enterprise Data Catalog
Enterprise Data Catalog server installations on Redhat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
Enterprise Data Lake
Enterprise Data Lake server installations on Redhat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
The service packs for Informatica Big Data Management, Enterprise Data Catalog, and Enterprise Data Lake are packaged separately. To get the service packs, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.


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