To run a mapping using advanced options, run the mapping through the
Run Mapping Using Advanced Options
dialog box. Select a mapping configuration or create a custom mapping configuration, and specify the mapping parameters. The mapping configuration and mapping parameters that you specify persist for the current mapping run.
If you use advanced options to run a mapping instance where the parameters are resolved, you cannot specify mapping parameters to run the mapping. The mapping runs using the parameters that are resolved in the mapping.
In the Developer tool, right-click a mapping in the editor or the Object Explorer view. Select
Run Mapping Using Advanced Options
Run Mapping Using Advanced Options
dialog box appears.
Select one of the following mapping configuration options:
Select a mapping configuration. Choose a reusable mapping configuration to run the mapping.
Specify a custom mapping configuration. Select the Data Integration Service, operating system profile, override tracing level, and optimizer level.
Optional. If the mapping contains parameters, you can select one of the following parameter options:
Apply the default values in the mapping. The Data Integration Service applies the default parameter values configured in the mapping.
Apply a parameter set. The Data Integration Service applies the parameter values configured in the parameter set.
Apply a parameter file. The Data Integration Service applies the parameter values configured in the parameter file.
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