Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Analyst Service
  3. Catalog Service
  4. Content Management Service
  5. Data Integration Service
  6. Data Integration Service Architecture
  7. Data Integration Service Management
  8. Data Integration Service Grid
  9. Data Integration Service REST API
  10. Data Integration Service Applications
  11. Enterprise Data Preparation Service
  12. Interactive Data Preparation Service
  13. Informatica Cluster Service
  14. Mass Ingestion Service
  15. Metadata Access Service
  16. Metadata Manager Service
  17. Model Repository Service
  18. PowerCenter Integration Service
  19. PowerCenter Integration Service Architecture
  20. High Availability for the PowerCenter Integration Service
  21. PowerCenter Repository Service
  22. PowerCenter Repository Management
  23. PowerExchange Listener Service
  24. PowerExchange Logger Service
  25. SAP BW Service
  26. Search Service
  27. System Services
  28. Test Data Manager Service
  29. Test Data Warehouse Service
  30. Web Services Hub
  31. Application Service Upgrade
  32. Application Service Databases
  33. Connecting to Databases from Windows
  34. Connecting to Databases from UNIX or Linux
  35. Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Configuring ODBC Connectivity

Configuring ODBC Connectivity

You can configure ODBC connectivity to a Teradata database.
The following steps provide a guideline for configuring ODBC connectivity. For specific instructions, see the database documentation.
  1. To configure connectivity for the integration service process, log in to the machine as a user who can start a service process.
  2. Set the TERADATA_HOME, ODBCHOME, and PATH environment variables.
    . Set the variable to the Teradata driver installation directory. The defaults are as follows:
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ TERADATA_HOME=/opt/teradata/client/<version>; export TERADATA_HOME
    Using a C shell:
    $ setenv TERADATA_HOME /opt/teradata/client/<version>
    . Set the variable to the ODBC installation directory. For example:
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ ODBCHOME=$INFA_HOME/ODBC<version>; export ODBCHOME
    Using a C shell:
    $ setenv ODBCHOME $INFA_HOME/ODBC<version>
    . To run the
    utility, to verify that the DataDirect ODBC driver manager can load the driver files, set the variable as follows:
    Using a Bourne shell:
    Using a C shell:
    $ setenv PATH ${PATH}:$ODBCHOME/bin:$TERADATA_HOME/bin
  3. Set the shared library environment variable.
    The Teradata software contains multiple shared library components that the integration service process loads dynamically. Set the shared library environment variable so that the services can find the shared libraries at run time.
    The shared library path must also include installation directory of the Informatica service
    Set the shared library environment variable based on the operating system.
    The following table describes the shared library variables for each operating system:
    Operating System
    For example, use the following syntax for Linux:
    • Using a Bourne shell:
      :$ODBCHOME/lib: $TERADATA_HOME/lib64:$TERADATA_HOME/odbc_64/lib"; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • Using a C shell:
      :$ODBCHOME/lib:$TERADATA_HOME/lib64: $TERADATA_HOME/odbc_64/lib"
    For AIX
    • Using a Bourne shell:
      :$ODBCHOME/lib:$TERADATA_HOME/lib64:$TERADATA_HOME/odbc_64/lib; export LIBPATH
    • Using a C shell:
      $ setenv LIBPATH ${LIBPATH}:$HOME/
      :$ODBCHOME/lib:$TERADATA_HOME/lib64: $TERADATA_HOME/odbc_64/lib
  4. Edit the existing odbc.ini file or copy the odbc.ini file to the home directory and edit it.
    This file exists in $ODBCHOME directory.
    $ cp $ODBCHOME/odbc.ini $HOME/.odbc.ini
    Add an entry for the Teradata data source under the section [ODBC Data Sources] and configure the data source.
    For example, for Teradata Parallel Transporter utilities, version 15.10:
    MY_TERADATA_SOURCE=Teradata Driver [MY_TERADATA_SOURCE] Driver=/opt/teradata/client/15.10/lib64/ Description=NCR 3600 running Teradata V1R5.2 DBCName= DateTimeFormat=AAA SessionMode=ANSI DefaultDatabase= Username= Password=
    For example, for Teradata Parallel Transporter utilities, version 16.20:
    MY_TERADATA_SOURCE=Teradata Driver [dwtera] Driver=/opt/teradata/client/16.20/lib64/ Description=NCR 3600 running Teradata V1R5.2 DBCName=tdvbe1510 LastUser= Username= Password= Database= DefaultDatabase= UseNativeLOBSupport=Yes CharacterSet=UTF8 SessionMode=ANSI
  5. Set the DateTimeFormat to AAA in the Teradata data ODBC configuration.
  6. Optionally, set the SessionMode to ANSI. When you use ANSI session mode, Teradata does not roll back the transaction when it encounters a row error.
    If you choose Teradata session mode, Teradata rolls back the transaction when it encounters a row error. In Teradata mode, the integration service process cannot detect the rollback, and does not report this in the session log.
  7. To configure connection to a single Teradata database, enter the DefaultDatabase name. To create a single connection to the default database, enter the user name and password. To connect to multiple databases, using the same ODBC DSN, leave the DefaultDatabase field empty.
    For more information about Teradata connectivity, see the Teradata ODBC driver documentation.
  8. Verify that the last entry in the odbc.ini is InstallDir and set it to the odbc installation directory.
    For example:
    InstallDir=<Informatica installation directory>/ODBC<version>
  9. Edit the .cshrc or .profile to include the complete set of shell commands.
  10. Save the file and either log out and log in again, or run the source command.
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ source .profile
    Using a C shell:
    $ source .cshrc
  11. For each data source you use, make a note of the file name under the Driver=<parameter> in the data source entry in odbc.ini. Use the
    utility to verify that the DataDirect ODBC driver manager can load the driver file.
    For example, if you have the driver entry:
    run the following command:
    ddtestlib /u01/app/teradata/td-tuf611/odbc/drivers/
  12. Test the connection using BTEQ or another Teradata client tool.

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