Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Mappings
  3. Mapplets
  4. Mapping Parameters
  5. Where to Assign Parameters
  6. Mapping Outputs
  7. Generate a Mapping from an SQL Query
  8. Dynamic Mappings
  9. How to Develop and Run a Dynamic Mapping
  10. Dynamic Mapping Use Cases
  11. Mapping Administration
  12. Export to PowerCenter
  13. Import From PowerCenter
  14. Performance Tuning
  15. Pushdown Optimization
  16. Partitioned Mappings
  17. Developer Tool Naming Conventions

Developer Mapping Guide

Developer Mapping Guide

Dynamic Mapping

Dynamic Mapping

Create a mapping m_Replication_Template and configure the following dynamic mapping functionality:
  • Read transformation that uses a parameter for the data object to read from different sources
  • Dynamic ports in the downstream transformations that can pass new or changed columns
  • Expression transformation that contains a dynamic expression to remove leading and trailing spaces in strings
  • Write transformation that creates target columns based on the mapping flow and uses a parameter in the target data object for the target file name
When you run the mapping, the Data Integration Service performs the following tasks:
  1. Reads the data from the appropriate source file based on the parameter value for the source data object.
  2. Passes the new and changed columns to the downstream transformations through dynamic ports.
  3. Expands the dynamic expression and processes the expression function for each generated port in the dynamic port.
  4. Creates columns in the Write transformation based on the mapping flow and writes the transformed data to the appropriate target file based on the parameter value.
The following image shows the objects in the mapping:
The mapping contains a Read transformation that represents the flat file source Customer_FF. The mapping contains two Expression transformations and a Write transformation.
The mapping contains the following objects:
Read transformation that represents a flat file source. The flat file contains string data with leading and ending spaces.
Expression transformation that contains a dynamic expression to remove leading and trailing spaces for ports of type string.
Expression transformation that contains transformed string ports, and remaining ports from the source object.
Write transformation that represents a flat file target. The mapping writes the output to the flat file target.


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