A workflow error can interrupt a running workflow instance. Workflow errors are not recoverable.
Workflow errors occur when the Data Integration Service cannot perform the following actions:
Read the parameter file at the start of the workflow run to resolve the parameters. For example, a workflow error occurs if the parameter assigned to the workflow tracing level property contains a value that is not valid.
Copy workflow parameter and variable values to task input. For example, a workflow error occurs if a string parameter value is assigned to an integer task input and the string value does not contain a number.
Workflow errors require that you change the workflow definition or change a parameter value in the parameter file to fix the error. When a workflow error occurs, the Data Integration Service immediately fails the workflow instance. You cannot recover the workflow instance even if the workflow is enabled for recovery.
A workflow that ends when the active sequence flow reaches a Terminate event enters an aborted state. You cannot recover the workflow instance.