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<Informatica installation directory>/isp/bin
BackupDomain <<-DatabaseAddress|-da> database_hostname:database_port| <-DatabaseConnectionString|-cs> database_connection_string> <-DatabaseUserName|-du> database_user_name <-DatabasePassword|-dp> database_password <-DatabaseType|-dt> database_type [<-DatabaseServiceName|-ds> database_service_name] <-BackupFile|-bf> backup_file_name [<-Force|-f>] <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name [<-Tablespace|-ts> tablespace_name (used for IBM DB2 only)] [<-SchemaName|-sc> schema_name (used for Microsoft SQL Server only)] [<-DatabaseTlsEnabled|-dbtls> database_tls_enabled] [<-DatabaseTruststorePassword|-dbtp> database_truststore_password] [<-TrustedConnection|-tc> trusted_connection (used for Microsoft SQL Server only)] [<-EncryptionKeyLocation|-kl> encryption_key_location]
Metadata File
| Description
| Location
| Contains metadata for a node.
| Stored in the isp/config directory on each node in the domain.
| Contains connectivity information for the gateway nodes.
| Stored in one of the following locations: