Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Command Line Programs and Utilities
  3. Installing and Configuring Command Line Utilities
  4. Using the Command Line Programs
  5. Environment Variables for Command Line Programs
  6. Using infacmd
  7. infacmd as Command Reference
  8. infacmd aud Command Reference
  9. infacmd autotune Command Reference
  10. Infacmd bg Command Reference
  11. infacmd ccps Command Reference
  12. infacmd cluster Command Reference
  13. infacmd cms Command Reference
  14. infacmd dis Command Reference
  15. Infacmd dis Queries
  16. infacmd dp Command Reference
  17. infacmd idp Command Reference
  18. infacmd edp Command Reference
  19. Infacmd es Command Reference
  20. infacmd ics Command Reference
  21. infacmd ipc Command Reference
  22. infacmd isp Command Reference
  23. infacmd ldm Command Reference
  24. infacmd mas Command Reference
  25. infacmd mi Command Reference
  26. infacmd mrs Command Reference
  27. infacmd ms Command Reference
  28. infacmd oie Command Reference
  29. infacmd ps Command Reference
  30. infacmd pwx Command Reference
  31. infacmd roh Command Reference
  32. infacmd rms Command Reference
  33. infacmd rtm Command Reference
  34. infacmd sch Command Reference
  35. infacmd search Command Reference
  36. infacmd sql Command Reference
  37. infacmd tdm Command Reference
  38. infacmd tools Command Reference
  39. infacmd wfs Command Reference
  40. infacmd ws Command Reference
  41. infacmd xrf Command Reference
  42. infacmd Control Files
  43. infasetup Command Reference
  44. pmcmd Command Reference
  45. pmrep Command Reference
  46. Working with filemanager
  47. Working with pmrep Files



Exports the business glossaries available in the Analyst tool. The Analyst tool exports business glossary data in the .xlsx or .zip format based on the options that you specify.
The infacmd bg exportGlossary command uses the following syntax:
exportGlossary <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name <-UserName|-un> user_name <-Password|-pd> Password [<-SecurityDomain|-sdn> security_domain] <-AtServiceName|-atn> Analyst_service_name [<-GlossaryList|-gl> Glossary_list] [<-Delimiter|-dl> Glossary_name_delimiter] [<-IncludeCrossGlossaryLinks|-cgl> Include_cross_glossary_links_true_false] [<-IncludeAuditHistory|-ah> Include_audit_history_true_false] [<-IncludeAttachment|-att> Include_attachments_true_false] [<-IncludeOnlyTemplate|-tem> Include_templates_only_true_false] [<-ExportasPlainTextOnly|-ept> Export_richtext_as_plain_text_true_false] [<-status|-s> Status_of_assets] [<-phase|-p> Phase_of_assets] <-ExportFilePath|-ep> Export_path
The infacmd program uses the following common options to connect to the domain: domain name, user name, password, security domain, and resilience timeout. The table of options has brief descriptions. To see detailed descriptions, refer to Connecting to the Domain.
The following table describes infacmd bg exportGlossary options and arguments:
Name of the Informatica domain.
User name to connect to the domain.
Password for the user name.
Name of the security domain to which the domain user belongs.
Required. Name of the Analyst Service.
The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The characters must be compatible with the code page of the associated repository. The name cannot exceed 230 characters, have leading or trailing spaces, or contain carriage returns, tabs, or the following characters:
/ * ? < > " |
Optional. The names of one or more glossaries that you want to export and that you have access to, as determined by the permissions and privileges defined in the Analyst tool. Separate the names of multiple glossaries by the user defined delimiter character.
If you do not specify the names of glossaries, the Analyst tool exports all the glossaries that you have permission to access as determined by the permissions and privileges defined in the Analyst tool.
Optional. Specify a custom delimiter if you are exporting multiple glossaries and one of them has a standard delimiter character as part of the glossary name. The standard delimiter is a comma.
Define a custom delimiter of maximum one special character. Use the custom delimiter to separate the names of multiple glossaries.
Optional. Enter one of the following values:
  • True
    to include cross glossary links in the export file.
  • False
    to skip cross glossary links in the export file.
Default is true.
Optional. Enter one of the following values:
  • True
    to include audit trail history in the export file.
  • False
    to skip the audit trail history in the export file.
Default is false.
If you specify the include audit history (-ah) option as true, the business glossary data is exported in a .zip format.
Optional. Enter one of the following values:
  • True
    to include attachments in the export file.
  • Specify
    to skip attachments in the export file.
Default is false.
If you specify the include attachments (-att) option as true, the business glossary data is exported in a .zip format.
Optional. Enter one of the following values:
  • True
    to include only templates in the export file.
  • False
    to include both templates and glossary data in the export file.
Default is false.
Optional. Enter one of the following values:
  • True
    to export formatted rich text content as plain text.
  • False
    to export formatted rich text content as rich text.
Default is false.
Optional. Enter one or all of the following values, separated by a comma:
  • Active
    to export assets that are active.
  • Inactive
    to export assets that are inactive.
The Analyst tool exports assets that are both active and inactive if you do not specify any value.
Optional. Enter one or all of the following values, separated by a comma:
  • Draft
    to export assets that are in the draft phase.
  • In_Review
    to export assets that are in the In Review phase.
  • Published
    to export assets that are in the Published phase.
  • Rejected
    to export assets that are in the Rejected phase.
  • Pending_publish
    to export assets that are in the Pending Publish phase.
The Analyst tool exports assets that are in all phases if you do not specify any value.
Specify the path where the command line program must store the exported files.


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