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- Common Content for Data Engineering 10.5.1
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| Description
| A SAML login attempt from the Administrator tool with an invalid credential fails as expected, but appears as a login attempt from the Native security domain. The attempt should appear in the log as a login attempt from a blank security domain.
| When the Blaze engine runs the Sqoop mapping on Cloudera CDH version 6.3.4, the following error occurs:
GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)
| When the Spark engine runs a Sqoop mapping on Cloudera CDH version 6.3.4 to write data with the Date data type to a Greenplum target, the mapping fails with the following error:
| In some cases, Intelligent Structure Discovery ignores blank cells in Microsoft Excel files.
| If an XSD input contains a type element that doesn't exist in the schema that the intelligent structure model is based on, Intelligent Structure Discovery doesn't process the subsequent element.
| Mappings that use intelligent structure models that are based on CSV, XML, or JSON sample files fail to run on Databricks 7.3 with the following error:
ERROR Uncaught throwable from user code: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/informatica/adapter/parser/atlantic/AtlanticDataFrameGenerator
| In mappings that use Data Processor transformations, if the output port type is filename, the mapping develops memory leaks.
| After you upgrade Informatica from version 10.2.2, the mappings fail as the DB Queue tables are not available. This issue occurs only in the SQL server.
| Some third-party JAR files on the Data Integration Service machine can cause mappings that run on the Blaze engine to not appear in Blaze Job Monitor.
| When the Spark engine runs an Update Strategy mapping, it truncates the data that it writes to a JDBC target even when truncation is not configured for the mapping.
| Developer tool users without administrator-level permissions cannot view run-time applications or application objects.
| The cluster configuration creation interface in the Administrator tool erroneously lists CDH 6.1 among the versions of Hadoop clusters from which to create a cluster configuration. Cloudera CDH 6.1 is not supported in Informatica version 10.5.
| After you create a SQL data service and try to generate a mapping for a SQL query using the deployed SQLDS command, you get an error message similar to the following:
| Mappings with a Python transformation succeed on a Databricks 5.5 cluster but fail on a version 7.x cluster with an error like:
Job aborted due to stage failure: Task <n> in stage <n.n> failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task <n.n> in stage <n.n> ...
| The remove command fails if you use a special character in the file name.
| The filemanager utility log displays incorrect log tracing level for WARNING and INFO. You might see the log tracing level as SEVERE for WARNING or FINE for INFO.
| If an error occurs during an evaluation of a regular expression function, the row is skipped with a transformation evaluation error instead of considering the default value of the column.