The filemanager utility exhibits the following default behavior:
The filemanager utility treats
as an escape character and not a separator in cloud paths.
The filemanager utility creates a target directory if you do not specify a target directory for move, copy, or rename operations in Amazon AWS cloud ecosystem.
The filemanager utility creates a target directory if you do not specify a target directory for a copy operation in ADLS Gen2 storage. For other file operations, the filemanager utility displays an error.
The filemanager utility deletes the target directory if you move or rename a file to a target directory that does not exist and then try to move the file back to the source directory.
The filemanager utility displays a file name in the logs when you move, copy, rename, or remove a file.
The filemanager utility does not display a file name in the logs when you remove a file stored in ADLS Gen2 storage.
The list command does not specify whether a listed object is a file or a folder.
The watch command triggers the mapping before a file gets copied in Microsoft Azure cloud ecosystem. This action applies to ADLS Gen1 storage and when you use external tools to copy a file.
The copy and list commands do not work if you specify a folder path in the parameter