Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflows
  3. Workflow Variables
  4. Workflow Parameters
  5. Cluster Tasks
  6. Command Task
  7. Human Task
  8. Mapping Task
  9. Notification Task
  10. Gateways
  11. Workflow Recovery
  12. Workflow Administration

Developer Workflow Guide

Developer Workflow Guide

Workflow States

Workflow States

When you monitor a workflow instance, you can view the state of the workflow instance.
If a workflow instance recovers after a task is interrupted, the Monitor adds an entry for the task instance that runs in the recovered workflow.
A workflow instance can have one of the following states:
A workflow instance aborts when you choose to abort the workflow instance from the Monitoring tool or using the infacmd wfs abortWorkflow command. You can also choose to abort a running workflow instance when you stop the application that contains the workflow or when you disable the workflow in the application.
A workflow instance also aborts if the active sequence flow in the workflow reaches a Terminate event.
You choose to cancel the workflow instance from the
tab or by using the infacmd wfs cancelWorkflow command.
The workflow can also enter a canceled state if the Data Integration Service shuts down unexpectedly. If the workflow is not configured for automatic recovery, the service process changes the workflow instance state to Canceled when the service process restarts. Before the Data Integration Service restarts, the workflow state and the task state appear as Running, although the workflow and the task are no longer running. If the workflow is configured for automatic recovery, the service process recovers the workflow instance and reruns the interrupted task when the service process restarts. The service process sets the workflow instance state to Running.
The Data Integration Service successfully completes the workflow instance. A completed workflow instance might indicate that all tasks, gateways, and sequence flow evaluations either successfully completed or were in a branch that did not run.
A workflow can also enter a Completed state if a Command, Mapping, Notification, or Human task encounters a recoverable error or nonrecoverable error. When the task encounters the error, the Data Integration Service fails the task. The Data Integration Service runs subsequent workflow objects if expressions in the conditional sequence flows evaluate to true or if the sequence flows do not include conditions. If the workflow instance finishes running without another interruption, the Data Integration Service updates the workflow state to Completed.
When the task fails, the Data Integration Service continues to run additional objects in the workflow instance if expressions in the conditional sequence flows evaluate to true or if the sequence flows do not include conditions. If the workflow instance finishes running without another interruption, the Data Integration Service updates the workflow state to completed. A completed workflow instance can contain both failed and completed tasks.
A workflow instance fails when a workflow error occurs. Workflow errors can occur when the Data Integration Service reads the parameter file at the start of the workflow run, copies workflow parameter and variable values to task input, or evaluates expressions in conditional sequence flows. In addition, a workflow error occurs if an Assignment task or a gateway fails.
When a workflow error occurs, the Data Integration Service stops processing additional objects and fails the workflow instance immediately. Workflow errors are nonrecoverable.
The Data Integration Service is running the workflow instance.


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