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########################################################## # (C) Copyright Informatica LLC 1993, 2022. # This software and documentation are provided only under a separate license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure. # This software is protected by patents as detailed at # A current list of Informatica trademarks is available on the web at # See the Informatica privacy policy at ########################################################## # Use the following guidelines when editing this file # * Use this file to install without user interaction. # * After you create the properties file, save the file with the name # * Any error condition that leads to failure, such as an invalid # installation directory, generates a log file in the user home directory. # For example: c:\silentErrorLog<time_stamp>.log ########################################################## ####### ## *INSTALL_TYPE - Set this value to '0' to apply the hotfix. Set this value to '1' to roll back the hotfix. INSTALL_TYPE=0 # * The USER_INSTALL_DIR variable must point to a valid directory with write # permissions enabled. USER_INSTALL_DIR=c:\Informatica\10.5 ####### # After you create the properties file, save the file with the name and # run the silent installer to perform the Informatica client installation. ########