Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Upgrade Overview
  3. Before You Upgrade the Domain on Linux
  4. Prepare for the Upgrade
  5. Upgrade the Domain
  6. Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration
  7. Application Service Upgrade
  8. Informatica Client Upgrade
  9. Appendix A: Upgrade Checklist
  10. Appendix B: Managing Distribution Packages

Upgrading from Version 10.2.2 (10.5.3)

Upgrading from Version 10.2.2 (10.5.3)

Object Dependency Graph

Object Dependency Graph

When you upgrade a Model Repository Service, the upgrade process upgrades the contents of the Model repository and rebuilds the object dependency graph.
If the upgrade process encounters a fatal error while upgrading the Model repository contents, then the service upgrade fails. The Administrator tool or the command line program informs you that you must perform the upgrade again.
If the upgrade process encounters a fatal error while rebuilding the object dependency graph, then the upgrade of the service succeeds. You cannot view object dependencies in the Developer tool until you rebuild the object dependency graph.
After you upgrade the Model Repository Service, verify that the Model Repository Service log includes the following message:
MRS_50431 "Finished rebuilding the object dependency graph for project group '<project group>'."
If the message does not exist in the log, run the infacmd mrs rebuildDependencyGraph command to rebuild the object dependency graph. Users must not access Model repository objects until the rebuild process completes, or the object dependency graph might not be accurate. Ask the users to log out of the Model Repository Service before service upgrade.
The infacmd mrs rebuildDependencyGraph command uses the following syntax:
rebuildDependencyGraph <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name [<-SecurityDomain|-sdn> security_domain] <-UserName|-un> user_name <-Password|-pd> password <-ServiceName|-sn> service_name [<-ResilienceTimeout|-re> timeout_period_in_seconds]


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