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infacmd CreateIntegrationService ... -so option_name=value option_name=value ...
| Description
| Optional. Email address of the user to receive email when a session fails to complete. To enter multiple addresses on Windows, use a distribution list. To enter multiple addresses on UNIX, separate them with a comma.
| Optional. Number of non-fatal errors the Integration Service allows before failing the session. Default is 0 (non-fatal errors do not cause the session to stop).
| Optional. Number of session logs the Integration Service archives for the session. Minimum value is 0. Default is 0.
| Optional. Email address of the user to receive email when a session completes successfully. To enter multiple addresses on Windows, use a distribution list. To enter multiple addresses on UNIX, separate them with a comma.
| Optional. Number of workflow logs the Integration Service archives for the workflow. Minimum value is 0. Default is 0.
| Optional. Treats nulls as zero in Aggregator transformations. Default is No.
| Optional. Performs aggregate calculations before flagging records for insert, update, delete, or reject in Update Strategy expressions. Default is No.
| Optional. Enter the value for ClientStore using the following syntax:
For example:
| Optional. Creates indicator files when you run a workflow with a flat file target. Default is No.
| Optional. Mode that determines how the Integration Service handles character data:
Default is ASCII.
| Optional. Date format the Integration Service uses in log entries. Default is DY MON DD HH 24:MI:SS YYYY.
| Optional. Handles dates as in PowerCenter 1.0/PowerMart 4.0. Default is No.
| Optional. Number of seconds before the Integration Service retries writing to a target on database deadlock. Minimum value is 0. Maximum value is 2592000. Default is 0 (retry the target write immediately).
| Optional. Minimum level of error logging for the Integration Service logs:
Default is Info.
| Optional. Name of an external library file to write session log messages.
| Required if you enable session recovery. Flushes session recovery data for the recovery file from the operating system buffer to the disk. Specify one of the following levels:
Default is Auto.
| Optional. Domain for authentication.
| Required if the proxy server requires authentication. Password for the authenticated user.
| Optional. Port number of the HTTP proxy server.
| Optional. Name of the HTTP proxy server.
| Required if the proxy server requires authentication. Authenticated user name for the HTTP proxy server.
| Optional. Ignores task resource requirements when distributing tasks across the nodes of a grid. Default is Yes.
| Optional. JCEProvider class name to support NTLM authentication.
For example:
| Optional. Processes master and detail pipelines sequentially as in PowerCenter versions prior to 7.0. Default is No.
| Optional. Allows you to use this Integration Service to run debugger sessions from the Designer. Default is Yes.
| Optional. Writes all logs using the UTF-8 character set. Default is Yes (Unicode) or No (ASCII).
| Optional. Microsoft Exchange profile used by the Service Start Account to send post-session email.
| Optional. Maximum number of connections to a lookup or stored procedure database when you start a session. Minimum value is 0. Default is 0.
| Optional. Maximum number of connections to a Microsoft SQL Server database when you start a session. Minimum value is 100. Maximum value is 2,147,483,647. Default is 100.
| Optional. Maximum amount of time in seconds that the service holds on to resources for resilience purposes. Minimum value is 0. Maximum value is 2592000. Default is 180.
| Optional. Maximum number of connections to a Sybase database when you start a session. Minimum value is 100. Maximum value is 2,147,483,647. Default is 100.
| Optional. Number of times the Integration Service retries writing to a target on a database deadlock. Minimum value is 10. Maximum value is 1,000,000,000. Default is 10.
| Optional. Operating mode for the Integration Service:
Default is Normal.
| Optional. Operating mode for the Integration Service when the service process fails over:
Default is Normal.
| Optional. Writes column headers to flat file targets. Default is No.
| Optional. Level of run-time information stored in the repository. Specify one of the following levels:
Default is Normal.
| Optional. Handles Aggregator transformations as the PowerMart Server did in PowerMart 3.5. Default is No.
| Optional. Runs sessions that are impacted by dependency updates. Default is No.
| Optional. Amount of time in seconds that the service tries to establish or reestablish a connection to another service. Minimum value is 0. Maximum value is 2592000. Default is 180.
| Optional. Stores process state information in persistence database tables in the associated PowerCenter repository database. Default is no.
| Optional. Appends a timestamp to messages written to the workflow log. Default is No.
| Optional. Keeps trailing spaces when reading SAP or PeopleSoft CHAR data. Default is Yes.
| Optional. Uses pass-through partitioning for non-DB2 targets when the partition type is Database Partitioning. Default is No.
| Optional. Determines how the Integration Service evaluates null values in comparison operations:
Default is Null.
| Optional. Enter the value for TrustStore using the following syntax:
For example:
| Optional. Enables use of operating system profiles. Use this option if the Integration Service runs on UNIX.
| Optional. Enforces data code page compatibility. Default is Yes.
| Optional. In target-based commit mode, the amount of time in seconds the writer remains idle before it issues a commit when the following conditions are true:
The PowerCenter Integration Service may commit to the target before or after the configured commit interval.
Minimum value is 60. Maximum value is 2592000. Default is 60.
| Optional. Writes duplicate row warnings and duplicate rows for XML targets to the session log. Default is Yes.