Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Installation Getting Started
  3. Part 2: Before You Install the Services
  4. Part 3: Run the Services Installer
  5. Part 4: After You Install the Services
  6. Part 5: Informatica Client Installation
  7. Part 6: Uninstallation
  8. Appendix A: Starting and Stopping Informatica Services
  9. Appendix B: Managing Distribution Packages
  10. Appendix C: Connecting to Databases from UNIX or Linux
  11. Appendix D: Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation for Data Engineering

Installation for Data Engineering

Connecting to an ODBC Data Source

Connecting to an ODBC Data Source

Install and configure native client software on the machine where the Data Integration Service, PowerCenter Integration Service, and PowerCenter Repository Service run. Also install and configure any underlying client access software required by the ODBC driver. To ensure compatibility between Informatica and the databases, use the appropriate database client libraries.
The Informatica installation includes DataDirect ODBC drivers. If the odbc.ini file contains connections that use earlier versions of the ODBC driver, update the connection information to use the new drivers. Use the System DSN to specify an ODBC data source on Windows.
  1. On the machine where the application service runs, log in as a user who can start a service process.
  2. Set the ODBCHOME and PATH environment variables.
    . Set to the DataDirect ODBC installation directory. For example, if the install directory is
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ ODBCHOME=/export/home/Informatica/10.0.0/ODBC7.1; export ODBCHOME
    Using a C shell:
    $ setenv ODBCHOME /export/home/Informatica/10.0.0/ODBC7.1
    . To run the ODBC command line programs, like
    , set the variable to include the odbc bin directory.
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ PATH=${PATH}:$ODBCHOME/bin; export PATH
    Using a C shell:
    $ setenv PATH ${PATH}:$ODBCHOME/bin
    Run the
    utility to verify that the DataDirect ODBC driver manager can load the driver files.
  3. Set the shared library environment variable.
    The ODBC software contains a number of shared library components that the service processes load dynamically. Set the shared library environment variable so that the services can find the shared libraries at run time.
    The shared library path must also include the Informatica installation directory
    Set the shared library environment variable based on the operating system.
    The following table describes the shared library variables for each operating system:
    Operating System
    For example, use the following syntax for Linux:
    • Using a Bourne shell:
      :$ODBCHOME/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • Using a C shell:
      $ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $HOME/server_dir:$ODBCHOME:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
    For AIX
    • Using a Bourne shell:
      :$ODBCHOME/lib; export LIBPATH
    • Using a C shell:
      $ setenv LIBPATH ${LIBPATH}:$HOME/
  4. Edit the existing odbc.ini file or copy the odbc.ini file to the home directory and edit it.
    This file exists in $ODBCHOME directory.
    $ cp $ODBCHOME/odbc.ini $HOME/.odbc.ini
    Add an entry for the ODBC data source under the section [ODBC Data Sources] and configure the data source.
    For example:
    MY_MSSQLSERVER_ODBC_SOURCE=<Driver name or data source description> [MY_SQLSERVER_ODBC_SOURCE] Driver=<path to ODBC drivers> Description=DataDirect 8.0 SQL Server Wire Protocol Database=<SQLServer_database_name> LogonID=<username> Password=<password> Address=<TCP/IP address>,<port number> QuoteId=No AnsiNPW=No ApplicationsUsingThreads=1
    This file might already exist if you have configured one or more ODBC data sources.
  5. Verify that the last entry in the odbc.ini is InstallDir and set it to the odbc installation directory.
    For example:
  6. If you use the odbc.ini file in the home directory, set the ODBCINI environment variable.
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ ODBCINI=/$HOME/.odbc.ini; export ODBCINI
    Using a C shell:
    $ setenv ODBCINI $HOME/.odbc.ini
  7. Edit the .cshrc or .profile to include the complete set of shell commands. Save the file and either log out and log in again, or run the source command.
    Using a Bourne shell:
    $ source .profile
    Using a C shell:
    $ source .cshrc
  8. Use the
    utility to verify that the DataDirect ODBC driver manager can load the driver file you specified for the data source in the odbc.ini file.
    For example, if you have the driver entry:
    Driver = /export/home/Informatica/10.0.0/ODBC7.1/lib/
    run the following command:
    ddtestlib /export/home/Informatica/10.0.0/ODBC7.1/lib/
  9. Install and configure any underlying client access software needed by the ODBC driver.
    While some ODBC drivers are self-contained and have all information inside the .odbc.ini file, most are not. For example, if you want to use an ODBC driver to access Sybase IQ, you must install the Sybase IQ network client software and set the appropriate environment variables.
    To use the Informatica ODBC drivers (, manually set the PATH and shared library path environment variables. Alternatively, run the or odbc.csh script in the $ODBCHOME folder. This script will set the required PATH and shared library path environment variables for the ODBC drivers provided by Informatica.


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