Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflows
  3. Workflow Variables
  4. Workflow Parameters
  5. Cluster Tasks
  6. Command Task
  7. Human Task
  8. Mapping Task
  9. Notification Task
  10. Gateways
  11. Workflow Recovery
  12. Workflow Administration

Developer Workflow Guide

Developer Workflow Guide

Mapping Task Logs

Mapping Task Logs

You can view Mapping task logs to troubleshoot Mapping task problems or to see information about the mapping run.
The Data Integration service writes a new log file for each Mapping task run. The log file contains information about the events in the Mapping task. Log events are lines of text that contain a timestamp, thread identifier, a severity code, and the log message. The message can contain general information or it can contain an error message.
The following text shows the Mapping task log message format:
2022-03-03 12:28:05,409 IST <MappingCompiler-pool-4-thread-5> INFO: [MPSVCCMN_10081] Mapping service is running [flatFile_allTransformations_mapping/flatFile_allTransformations_mapping] deployed in [QueueApplication] 2022-03-03 12:28:05,409 IST <MappingCompiler-pool-4-thread-5> INFO: [MPSVCCMN_10083] The Mapping Service Module submitted a job to the Integration Service. Job ID : [wyMK5pq-EeyQm_HZtnihOw]
When you set the tracing level to verboseData, the Mapping task log shows the parameters and parameter values for the mapping run.
The following text shows some Mapping task log messages that contain parameter values:
Integration Service will use override value [C:\Source] for parameter [ff_SrcDir] in transformation [map_AllTx\read_src1]. Integration Service will use override value [8] for parameter [exp_Int] in transformation [map_AllTx\Expression]. Integration Service will use override value [Mapping_New] for parameter [exp_String] in transformation [map_AllTx\Expression]. Integration Service will use override value [C:\Source] for parameter [ldo_SrcDir] in mapping \ mapplet [map_AllTx\DO_Lookup\DO_FF_REL_SRC_Read_Mapping].
After you run a mapping on the Spark engine on a Hadoop cluster, you can view the total number of cluster nodes used to execute the mapping in the mapping task log. On the Blaze engine, you can view the number of healthy cluster nodes used by the Grid Manager in the mapping task log.


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