Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Versions 10.5 -
  3. Part 2: Versions 10.4.1 -
  4. Part 3: Versions 10.4 -
  5. Part 4: Versions 10.2.2 - 10.2.2 HotFix 1
  6. Part 5: Version 10.2.1
  7. Part 6: Version 10.2 - 10.2 HotFix 2

Test Data Generation for XSD Sources

Test Data Generation for XSD Sources

Effective in version 10.5, Test Data Generation includes perform the following tasks with XSD sources:
Use conditional constraints in data generation rules
You can use conditional constraints in advanced generation rules and ad hoc generation rules with XSD sources.
For information about how to create and apply advanced generation rules and conditional constraints, see the "Data Generation" chapter in the
Test Data Management 10.5 User Guide
Configure default handling of unbound MaxOccur values
You can enable default handling of MaxOccurs values that are set as unbound or infinite in an XSD. Use the
Default Value for Unbounded MaxOccurs in a Source XSD
global-level property to enter a value. The value is added to the
value of the element to calculate the
value for the element.
For information about how to set the property value and override the value for an element, see the
Test Data Management 10.5 Administrator Guide
and the
Test Data Management 10.5 User Guide


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