Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Installation Getting Started
  3. Part 2: Before You Install the Services
  4. Part 3: Run the Services Installer
  5. Part 4: After You Install the Services
  6. Part 5: Informatica Client Installation
  7. Part 6: Uninstallation
  8. Appendix A: Starting and Stopping Informatica Services
  9. Appendix B: Connecting to Databases from UNIX or Linux
  10. Appendix C: Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation for Data Engineering

Installation for Data Engineering

Resuming a Failed Installer Process

Resuming a Failed Installer Process

When the installation process stops midway, you can resume the installation from the point of failure or exit.
When the service installation process fails on UNIX or Linux, you can resume from the previous service configuration and recover the last entered details for that service installation. The install process might fail for reasons such as network outage, when you exit the installation before completing the entire installation process, or because of incorrect information entered.
Consider the following guidelines for resuming the installation:
You can resume the installer
If a service fails or if the installation process fails during a service creation, you can resume the installation process with the server installer. To resume the installation process, ensure that at least one of the services is created and that the domain is up and running from the installation log. For example, if you want to check whether the Model Repository Service is created, check if you have a service creation success text in the server log in the following format:
SUCCESS: MRS Service [mrs_name] is created. Command ran successfully.
To resume the installation, run the installer again.
When you resume the installer while creating a service, the installer retains all the service and database specific information, such as the create service status, service name, service enabled or disabled status. You can confirm and use the previously entered values or specify new values for the service and resume the installation process.
You cannot resume the installer
You cannot resume the installer in the following situations:
  • You run installer to configure services after the services are created.
  • You run the service configuration wizard.
  • You join a domain.


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