Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Data Engineering Administration
  3. Authentication
  4. Running Mappings on a Cluster with Kerberos Authentication
  5. Authorization
  6. Cluster Configuration
  7. Cloud Provisioning Configuration
  8. Data Integration Service Processing
  9. Appendix A: Connections Reference
  10. Appendix B: Monitoring REST API

Data Engineering Administrator Guide

Data Engineering Administrator Guide

Sample Retrieve Advanced Mapping Statistics

Sample Retrieve Advanced Mapping Statistics

The sample use case is to use the script to retrieve the details of the advanced mapping statistics on the Spark environment.
You can use the REST API to retrieve information about the advanced mapping statistics with the following request URL for a mapping with Job ID as _TNoO9ELEeiimY76kFyfuw:

Advanced Mapping Statistics Output

{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#MappingAdvancedStats/$entity", "jobId": "_TNoO9ELEeiimY76kFyfuw", "mappingStat": { "status": "COMPLETED", "mappingName": "HDFSTgtAppend_MultiPartition_SparkMode", "applicationName": "HDFSTargetAppend", "serviceName": "DIS_HDP_2.6", "logFileName": "/data/Informatica/10.2.2_252/logs/node252/services/DataIntegrationService/disLogs/ms/DEPLOYED_MAPPING_HDFSTargetAppend_HDFSTgtAppend_MultiPartition_SparkMode-TNoO9ELEeiimY76kFyfuw_20181016_115325_006.log", "startTime": 1539671005830, "endTime": 1539671244752, "executorType": "SPARK", "executingNode": "node252", "userName": "Administrator", "securityDomain": "Native" }, "detailedStats": { "memoryData": [], "createdTime": [ 1539671058384 ], "cpuData": [], "sourceTargetStats": [ { "instanceName": "Read_students_5", "isSource": true, "bytes": [ -1 ], "rows": [ 10 ] }, { "instanceName": "Read_students_HDFS_src", "isSource": true, "bytes": [ -1 ], "rows": [ 10 ] }, { "instanceName": "Read_student", "isSource": true, "bytes": [ -1 ], "rows": [ 10 ] }, { "instanceName": "Write_HDFSAppendTarget", "isSource": false, "bytes": [ -1 ], "rows": [ 28 ] } ], "lastPurgeTime": 0 }, "summaryStats": { "processStatSummary": { "avgCpuUsage": 0, "avgMemUsage": 0 }, "sourceTxStats": [ { "instanceName": "Read_students_5", "groupStats": [ { "processedBytes": -1, "processedRows": 10, "bytesThrougput": -1, "rowsThroughput": 10, "errorRows": -1, "errorBytes": -1, "groupName": "Read_students_5", "firstRowTime": 0 } ] }, { "instanceName": "Read_student", "groupStats": [ { "processedBytes": -1, "processedRows": 10, "bytesThrougput": -1, "rowsThroughput": 10, "errorRows": -1, "errorBytes": -1, "groupName": "Read_student", "firstRowTime": 0 } ] }, { "instanceName": "Read_students_HDFS_src", "groupStats": [ { "processedBytes": -1, "processedRows": 10, "bytesThrougput": -1, "rowsThroughput": 5, "errorRows": -1, "errorBytes": -1, "groupName": "Read_students_HDFS_src", "firstRowTime": 0 } ] } ], "targetTxStats": [ { "instanceName": "Write_HDFSAppendTarget", "groupStats": [ { "processedBytes": -1, "processedRows": 28, "bytesThrougput": -1, "rowsThroughput": 14, "errorRows": -1, "errorBytes": -1, "groupName": "Write_HDFSAppendTarget", "firstRowTime": 0 } ] } ] } }


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