Creating, Deploying, and Updating an Application in the Developer Tool

Creating, Deploying, and Updating an Application in the Developer Tool

Redeploying an Application to a Data Integration Service

Redeploying an Application to a Data Integration Service

Redeploy an application to a Data Integration Service to replace the run-time application on the Data Integration Service with the design-time application.
  1. Right-click an application in the
    Object Explorer
    view and click
    dialog box appears.
  2. Select
    Deploy to Service
  3. If no default Data Integration Service is set, click
    to select the domain.
    Choose Domain
    dialog box appears.
  4. Select a domain and click
    , and then select a Data Integration Service.
    The Target Name column displays the application with the same name by default. For example, the following image shows the deployment of the application MyApplication:
  5. Click the Target Name column to choose a different target application on the Data Integration Service.
  6. To retain the state of run-time objects that are part of the application, select
    Retain state information
  7. Optionally, select
    Force target application to stop, aborting running objects
    You can redeploy an application without stopping it only if the state of the application is not Running. If the administrator has not stopped the application, verify with the administrator whether you can choose to force the application to stop.
  8. Click
After you redeploy the application, you can validate it against organizational or project requirements.


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