| Description
Operation Type
| Specifies the type of data object operation.
This is a read-only property.
JMS Destination
| Name of the queue or topic to which the JMS provider publishes messages.
The data object subscribes to JMS messages from this queue or topic.
Client ID
| Client identifier to identify the connection and set up a durable connections.
Durable Subscription Name
| Name of the durable subscription that can receive messages sent while the subscribers are not active.
Durable subscriptions provide the flexibility and reliability of queues, but still allow clients to send messages to many recipients.
Effective in version, you must specify a custom checkpoint directory to retain the generated client ID and durable subscription name suffix. If you do not specify a custom checkpoint directory, the mapping appends a new suffix to the durable subscription name with every run. This action might result in data loss because the mapping does not consume the data sent before creating the new durable subscription name.
JMS Message Selector
| Criteria for filtering message header or message properties, to limit which JMS messages the data object receives.
Guaranteed Processing
| Ensures that the mapping processes messages that the sources publish and delivers them to the targets at least once. In the event of a failure, there could be potential duplicates but the messages are processed successfully. If the external source or the target is not available, the mapping execution stops to avoid any data loss.
By default, the Guaranteed Processing property is selected.