B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.2.2 HotFix 1
- All Products
| Description
| Installation directory of OEM Managed File Transfer.
| Specify the transport type specification of the resources and endpoints to be migrated.
The following options are available:
ftp then FTP resources and endpoints are migrated. Specify
-all to migrate all transport types.
| Specify one or more partners whose resources and endpoints are to be migrated.
For more than one partner, provide names of partners separated by commas.
To migrate resources and endpoints for all partners, specify
-all .
| Specify the directory for the mapping files that the migration tool uses.
<B2B Data Exchange Installation>\dx-tools\mftMigration\<transport type> Each transport type has a subdirectory with the specific mapping files for the protocol.
There is a separate subdirectory that contains the single hosted project mapping file. For hosted endpoints, the same project is shared across all transport types.
| Specify a prefix for the endpoints for inbound connections that the migration process creates.
| Specify a default password that the migration process assigns to all migrated web users. The password must align with the password policy that you create for Informatica Managed File Transfer.
| Specify if to migrate OEM Managed File Transfer mailboxes that are not associated with
B2B Data Exchange .
The following options are available:
| Specify if the endpoints created for SSH FTP should be of SSH FTP type or SCP type.
The OEM MFT endpoints of SSH FTP type can be associated with three different types of Informatica Managed File Transfer tasks - an SFTP Task, an SCP Task and an Execute SSH Command Task. The template projects that the migration process uses include just one type of task to transfer files. The template projects do not support the Execute SSH Command Task. The template project can use either an SFTP task or SCP task, in accordance to the value of this parameter.
The following options are available:
| Specify the URL used to access Informatica Managed File Transfer.
http://localhost:8000/informaticamft |
| Specify the user account with which to access Informatica Managed File Transfer. The migration tool uses this account to create resources and other objects in Informatica Managed File Transfer.
Administrator |
| Specify the password with which to access Informatica Managed File Transfer. Use the password for the user account specified with the
infamft.api.username parameter.
| Specify the URL used to access the
B2B Data Exchange Operations Console.
http://localhost:18080/dx-console |
| Specify the user account with which to access
B2B Data Exchange .
sys |
| Specify the password with which to access
B2B Data Exchange . Use the password for the user account specified with the
dxconsole.api.username parameter.