B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.2.2 HotFix 1
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| Description
Use endpoint root directory
| Specifies whether to store incoming documents in the root directory of the endpoint. The administrator defines the root directory path in the
dx.endpoint.file.prefix.path system property.
For example, if
B2B Data Exchange stores all documents in
H:/comserver/partners_msg/ , the administrator can add this path to the system property and define a variable name for the path, such as
Partners_Root . Use this name instead of the full root directory path, and add only a partner name, such as
<Partners_Root><MyPartner> .
Incoming file path
| Path to the folder in which to store incoming files. You can include configuration variables in the incoming file path.
Pass by reference
| Passes documents that
B2B Data Exchange receives through this endpoint to PowerCenter by reference. When you pass documents by reference, PowerCenter stores the file path in the repository instead of the actual file.
Pass large files by reference to improve performance and optimize storage.
Add Pattern...
| List of all of the file patterns that the endpoint can receive.
B2B Data Exchange picks up files that match one of these file patterns. You can select one or more of the following file pattern types:
You must configure at least one file name pattern.
File name pattern
| File pattern that
B2B Data Exchange receives through the endpoint. You can use variables ($xxx) and the asterisk (*) wildcard in the file name pattern.
Regular expression
| Create a regular expression to identify the file name that
B2B Data Exchange receives through the endpoint.
Regular Expression Partial Match
| When you define a regular expression,
B2B Data Exchange checks the file path and file name that follows the defined endpoint root directory and incoming file path for a match. If you use a regular expression that does not match the path or name structure, the files are not matched. For example, the endpoint file name is
text.in and you do not check for a period as part of the regular expression. You entered
[a-z]+ instead of
[a-z]+\.in . The file is not matched. To check any part of the file path and file name for a match, select the
Regular Expression Partial Match option.
| Description
Enable backup
| Saves a copy of each file that
B2B Data Exchange receives through the endpoint. If you disable backup,
B2B Data Exchange transfers the files from the endpoint to the target and then deletes the files.
Use endpoint root directory
| Specifies whether to store the backup copies of the files in the root directory of the endpoint. The administrator defines the endpoint root directory in a system property.
For example, if the root directory is
Z:\backup , select
Use endpoint root directory and enter the subdirectory path in the
Backup path field.
B2B Data Exchange stores the backup copies of the documents in
Z:\backup\<subdirectory> .
Backup path
| Path to the directory in which to save copies of the files.
| Description
Store a copy in HDFS
| Saves a copy of each file that
B2B Data Exchange receives through the endpoint in a Hadoop file system (HDFS).
You cannot store files that
B2B Data Exchange receives from directories with a file path that includes two back slashes (\\), such as Windows network folders.
Use HDFS root directory
| Stores the backup copies of the files in the root directory of the HDFS. The administrator defines the HDFS root directory in a system property.
For example, if the root directory is
Z:\HDFS_storage , select
Use HDFS root directory and enter the subdirectory path in the
HDFS path field.
B2B Data Exchange stores the backup copies of the documents in the following location:
Z:\HDFS_storage\<subdirectory> .
HDFS path
| Path to the HDFS directory in which to save copies of the files.
| Description
Pick up file when size remains the same for <x> seconds
| Pick up and process incoming files when the file size remains the same for a specific time interval. Select to help ensure that larger files are complete before
B2B Data Exchange transfers them.
Default value is 10.