B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.2.3
- All Products
System Property
| Description
| Name of a user from a user account with privileges to run Informatica Managed File Transfer projects. The credential is used to execute Informatica Managed File Transfer projects.
| Password of the user defined for the
infamft.api.username property. The credential is used to execute Informatica Managed File Transfer projects.
| URL address for Informatica Managed File Transfer.
| Specifies a temporary local directory to which Informatica Managed File Transfer downloads files.
| Determines the timeout period for an Informatica Managed File Transfer endpoint to complete a project run. If the endpoint project does not complete the run within this time period,
B2B Data Exchange generates an error.
| Determines whether or not to create an error event when
B2B Data Exchange receives a file from an MFT Web User that is not associated with any endpoint in
B2B Data Exchange .